Gboard (also known as Google Keyboard), is one of the most popular keyboard apps used by both Android and iOS users. The feature-packed Gboard provides various functionalities that make it simple to type and get things done smartly.
Moreover, many tech manufacturers such as Google with its Pixel series, Motorola and Lenovo across their phones and tablets, and other brands are set to pre-load it as the stock Gboard app.
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4 Gboard tips and tricks to make typing fast
According to a step-by-step guide uploaded on Instagram by @rajphotoeditingmuchmore, users should follow the instructions below to make their Gboard typing fast and smart.
Gboard tricks
Instead of tapping to move the cursor while typing, hold down the space bar and drag it anywhere comfortably.
Mix emojis
Combine emojis by adding a cold face emoji and then an alien to create a cold alien. Enable it in Gboard settings under Emoji Sticker.
Translate on the go
Tap on translate automatically which converts Hindi text to English
Simplify typing repetitive stuff
Add your address or email as a shortcut in Gboard’s dictionary. Just type ## and your address will be typed instantly.