4 prompts to improve writing with ChatGPT

These 4 prompts will help users improve their writing with ChatGPT
An undated image of the ChatGPT cover. — Pexels
An undated image of the ChatGPT cover. — Pexels

AI chatbots have become an engaging and exciting means of interaction. They’re spontaneous, creative, and, if handled correctly, have depth. Although a chatbot may produce a certain response, it may vary based on the user's writing style.

Writing, being able to communicate your ideas effectively, is a powerful skill and can be leveraged to have a more curated experience with others. How a user interacts with the AI influences the relevance of the responses produced.

ChatGPT writing prompts

Generating ideas

AI still has a way to go before it matches the nuance of human communication, though it is a solid writing companion. AI is extremely imaginative and can generate a pool of ideas within seconds. Users can use a prompt of the following kind to leverage this ability:

"I'm a [role/title] representing [outlet description] with a focus on [target audience]. Can you recommend some new and interesting topics that would resonate with this audience?"

Editing for grammar

Whether it be an essay, a publication, or a social media post, typos are an embarrassing shortfall. Luckily, ChatGPT can proofread texts to help cleanse them of any such errors.

"Please proofread this content for grammar, punctuation, and style consistency with the intended audience in mind. Let me know of any suggested improvements."


Besides grammar and punctuation, tone is an essential, albeit abstract, part of communication. One’s tone can significantly affect how they’re perceived by their colleagues or other members of society. Though tone is subjective and subject to perception, users can have ChatGPT tailor a specific kind of text to exhibit a certain feeling.

"Could you assist me in rephrasing this [content] to resonate with [audience], keeping the [desired tone] intact?"

Data input

Regardless of how good a text is, many publications may find fault in it due to a lack of sufficient data that adds weight to the writing. Instead of surfing through the traditional way, ChatGPT can be used to curate the perfect set of data entries to help add that weight. 

Always keep an eye on the sources that ChatGPT generates. It will almost always come up with useful results but they’re not always accurate—that’s where the human interplay comes into play.

By using these prompts, users can enhance their interaction with AI chatbots and improve their writing, making the experience more effective and enjoyable.

"I am writing [detail the content and subject matter] for [target audience] and want to include relevant data and research. Can you observe the following text and provide researched-backed statistics and insights on this subject?"