Apple, the Cupertino-based tech giant recently launched Second watchOS 11 Public Beta with a few amazing apps, following the release of the first Beta, earlier this week. To install WatchOS 11, users are required to sign up on Apple's beta software website and also upgrade their phone to the public beta version of iOS 18.
Here’s how to install watchOS 11 update
- Firstly, navigate the Watch app on your iPhone> General and then choose Select Software Update.
- Afterwards, select the watchOS 11 Public Beta, available under the Beta Updates.
Here are a few of those amazing apps that allow you to keep an eye on your health metrics, provide you with complete details about your daily tasks, and more.
Read more: WatchOS 11 — Apple Watch finally lets you rest
Vitals app on Apple Watch
The Cupertino-based tech giant has recently integrated an amazing app in Watch OS11 that would help users to provide an adequate overview of their daily routine including health updates such as heart rate, sleep, respiratory rate, and oxygen level and efficiently compares it with their health metrics to the previous week.
Watch OS11 has brought efficient new widgets including Translate and Shazam, that perform pretty well, as it would suggest widgets depending on date, location, time, and daily routine.
Measure workouts
Apple allows you to easily measure the intensity of your workouts that truly affect the body with time. It’s considerably a great addition for you, especially if you are a health enthusiast, as it provides you an effort level for cardio-based workouts to update you about the resting time too.
Additionally, users can now easily design their Activity Ring for several weekdays. It also supports taking a break from any particular activity without affecting the streak.
WatchOS 11 also includes a few other significant features including excessive workout plans, redesigned Photos watch face, Check In for Messages, and more.