Apple's Safari Technology Preview 190 released with bug fixes, enhanced performance

Safari Technology Preview‌ 190 can be installed from Software Update mechanism in System Preferences or System Settings of browser
An undated image displaying Apples Safari browser logo. — Medium
An undated image displaying Apple's Safari browser logo. — Medium

Tech giant Apple has finally released a fixed version of the Safari Technology Preview, Safari Technology Preview 190, which drew the ire of developers for carrying bugs.

Shrouding errors and malfunctions is not the only area that remained the focus of the company, the Safari Technology Preview 190 has also brought updates for for CSS, History, HTML, JavaScript, Media, Networking, SVG, URLs, Web API, and Web Inspector.

What is Safari Technology Preview? 

Safari Technology Preview is a version of the Safari browser by Apple mainly designed for developers to enable them test upcoming web technologies and features. 

It provides a glimpse into future updates, allowing developers to experiment and give their feedback upon the areas of improvements, ensuring compatibility and readiness for the latest web standards.

Read more: Google Search March update to 'send more traffic to helpful' content, classify spam content

Devices compatible for Safari Technology Preview‌ 

Devices that are compatible and support Safari Technology Preview‌ should be running on the following operating systems:

  1. macOS Ventura 
  2. macOS Sonoma (latest version of macOS that Apple released in September 2023)

How to install latest update of Safari Technology Preview‌?

The latest update of the Safari Technology Preview‌ can be found and installed from under the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences or System Settings of the browser.

Getting feedback from developers and users regarding the development of the browser is the sole objective Apple is seeking with the Safari Technology Preview‌, and users don't need to have a developer account as it's usable simultaneously with the original Safari browser.