Best horses in Red Dead Redemption

As players embark on their journeys through Red Dead Redemption, their chosen horse companionships define their experiences
The image is a snapshot from Red Dead Redemption 2. — Rockstar Games
The image is a snapshot from Red Dead Redemption 2. — Rockstar Games

For fans who have long awaited the transition of Red Dead Redemption onto modern gaming systems, the moment has finally arrived. 

The anticipation surrounding the end of the console exclusivity era for this title on previous generation consoles has created a fervour of excitement among players. This classic game has earned its place as one of Rockstar's most iconic titles, laying the groundwork for the acclaimed Red Dead Redemption 2 and serving as a testament to Rockstar's gaming prowess.

Best horses in Red Dead Redemption

For players traversing the captivating landscapes of Red Dead Redemption, a swift mode of travel is paramount. Thus, the pursuit of the most exceptional horses becomes a priority for seamlessly moving between points of interest. 

Taming top-tier horses elevates the experience for characters like John and Jack Marston, enabling them to navigate the world adeptly while engaging in activities like bounty hunting and confronting the remnants of Dutch's gang.

In the roster of horse breeds available, many can be procured for around $500 each. Generally, these breeds share comparable attributes, making their selection largely subjective to player preference.

Following are the top 7 best horses in Red Dead Redemption:

  • Welsh Mountain horse
  • Turkmen
  • Tobiano Pinto
  • The Tersk
  • American Standardbred
  • The Kentucky Saddler
  • Hungarian Half-bred

As players embark on their journeys through Red Dead Redemption, their chosen horse companionships define their experiences, enhancing both gameplay and aesthetics.