Best time saving computer shortcuts everyone should know

Keyboard shortcuts are keys offer an alternative way to do something you’d typically do with a mouse
An undated image showing keys on keyboard. — Unsplash
An undated image showing keys on keyboard. — Unsplash

Are you tired of all the right-clicking to access simple commands like cut, copy, and paste? Sure, it’s not super labour-intensive, but it can get annoying after a while when you’re constantly summoning one of these actions utilising a mechanical rodent. 

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that offer an alternative way to do something you’d typically do with a mouse. 

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If you’re not using shortcut commands, you’re missing out on an easy way to save time and effort. Gadinsider has compiled the shortcuts for learning simple commands that mix Control (Ctrl) and other keys to cut, copy, paste, and more actions across Windows apps. 

  1. Ctrl + A: All Select
  2. Ctrl + B: Bold
  3. Ctrl + C: Copy
  4. Ctrl + D: Duplicate
  5. Ctrl + E: Alignment Centre Side
  6. Ctrl + F: Find
  7. Ctrl + G: Group & Go To
  8. Ctrl + H: Replace
  9. Ctrl + I: Italic
  10. Ctrl + J: Justify
  11. Ctrl + K: Hyperlink
  12. Ctrl + L: Alignment Left Side
  13. Ctrl + M: New Slide
  14. Ctrl + N: New Page
  15. Ctrl + O: Open
  16. Ctrl + P: Print
  17. Ctrl + Q: Quite
  18. Ctrl + R: Alignment Right Side
  19. Ctrl + S: Save
  20. Ctrl + T: New Tab
  21. Ctrl + U: Underline
  22. Ctrl + V: Paste
  23. Ctrl + W: Close the Window
  24. Ctrl + X: Cut
  25. Ctrl + Y: Redo

An extra tip on working between apps

The shortcuts do the same thing every day. The standard Ctrl plus a letter performs a specific task. It works the same while writing spreadsheets, drafting emails, or creating documents. 

Online forms and apps aren’t as reliable. Many support the same shortcuts, but there’s no guarantee. Before trusting it, try out the new app. Apply a few commands to make sure it runs reliably.