In a surprise turn of events, a Brazilian judge has ordered the shutdown of X, formerly named Twitter, in the country. This follows after the months-long battle between its owner Elon Musk and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes over free speech and misinformation issues.
Justice de Moraes ordered, on August 30th, that the communications agency restrict access to X within 24 hours. The ban comes after Musk was unable or refused to nominate a new legal representative of X in Brazil despite warnings from the court.
Due to this, Brazilian users will no longer be able to use X. The platform should disappear from mobile app stores.
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The current row between Musk and Justice de Moraes started in April when Musk turned back on accounts X had been ordered to block for propagating misinformation.
De Moraes, at the helm of fighting misinformation in Brazil, launched an investigation into X and ordered Musk to name a new legal representative. Musk did not comply, the result was the shutdown of the Brazil offices of X and the eventual ban.
Effects of ban on X in Brazil
The ban already hit Brazilian users as many have shifted to other social networks like Bluesky. The suspension of X has raised concerns about free speech and the use of censorship.
Musk also dismissed the very idea of censorship, stating that X wouldn't abide by the "illegal demands" of the court.
This move sets precedence for other countries to make the same move against social media platforms. It is not the first time that Brazil has issued a ban on other major platforms like Telegram and WhatsApp.