Crack the matchstick puzzle: Can you solve this viral brain teaser?

This brain teaser recently shared on Reddit, has garnered a lot of attention and engagement from users eager to test their calculating skills
A representational image. – Matches Puzzle Game
A representational image. – Matches Puzzle Game

Looking for a mental workout to challenge your problem-solving skills? Get ready to put your brain to the test with this intriguing matchstick puzzle that’s been making waves online. If you’re up for a challenge, this brain teaser is sure to provide hours of entertainment and mental stimulation.

In the puzzle, your task is to rearrange three matchsticks to fix the equation: 5-8 = 0. Sounds simple? Think again! This puzzle requires you to think outside the box and get creative with your solutions. You’ll need to manipulate the matchsticks with just three moves to make the equation balanced and correct.

This brain teaser recently shared on Reddit, has garnered a lot of attention and engagement from users eager to test their calculating skills. People from all over have been chiming in, each offering a unique perspective on how to solve the puzzle.

An undated image showcasing the matchstick puzzle. –Reddit/@Away_Application_262
An undated image showcasing the matchstick puzzle. –Reddit/@Away_Application_262


Let’s take a look at some of the strategies that have been proposed to crack this challenging puzzle:

One approach suggests taking the two side matchsticks of the line and adding them to the 5 to make it 8-8 = 0. Another solution involves introducing a negative answer by rearranging these matchsticks to create 5-8=-3.

Others have proposed more intricate solutions, such as transforming the equation into 6-6=0 with just one movement or changing the 5 to a 3 and redistributing matchsticks to create a balanced equation.

Despite the various approaches, one thing is clear: solving this puzzle requires a combination of logic, creativity, and careful observation. It’s a great exercise for keeping your mind sharp and thinking critically.

So, do you think you have what it takes to crack the matchstick puzzle? Give it a try and see if you can come up with a solution that fixes the equation.