Funny things to ask Alexa: Amazon's virtual assistant's comedy show

Besides being a smart assistant, Alexa is also a witty companion that can make you smile and laugh
An undated image illustrating the Alexa device. — Canva
An undated image illustrating the Alexa device. — Canva

Have you ever wondered what Alexa can do besides playing music, setting alarms, and controlling smart devices? Well, it turns out that Amazon’s virtual assistant has a great sense of humour and can entertain you with jokes, trivia, animal sounds, and more. You just have to know the right questions to ask.

In this blog post, we will share some of the funniest things to ask Alexa that will make you laugh out loud. Whether you want to hear an irony joke to parody joke, a Star Wars joke, or a random fact, Alexa has got you covered. You can also ask Alexa to do impressions, rap, sing, or even propose to you.

Fun questions can you ask Alexa

Here are some of the hilarious questions you can ask Alexa:

Alexa, tell me a joke that will make me laugh.

Alexa, can you sing me a funny song?

Alexa, what’s the funniest movie of all time?

Alexa, can you do an impression of [insert famous person]?

Alexa, what are some funny things to ask Siri?

Alexa, do aliens exist?

Alexa, I’ve got 99 problems.

Alexa, what happens if you step on a Lego?

Alexa, are you part of the Illuminati?

Alexa, how old is your mum?

An undated image illustrating a person creating a smiley emoji. — CanvaC
An undated image illustrating a person creating a smiley emoji. — Canva

Alexa, may the force be with you.

Alexa, are we in the Matrix?

Alexa, surely you can’t be serious?

Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?

Alexa, do you like pizza?

Alexa, are you married?

Alexa, can you tell me a Star Wars joke?

Alexa, can you talk like Yoda?

Alexa, can you rap?

Alexa, who is on first?

Alexa, winter is coming.

Alexa, beam me up.

These are just some of the funny things to ask Alexa that will reveal her silly side. You can also ask her for random facts, movie facts, history facts, sports facts, and more. You can even ask her to entertain your kids with stories and games.

Alexa is more than just a smart assistant. She is also a witty companion that can make you smile and laugh. So next time you feel bored or need a good laugh, just say “Alexa” and ask her anything. You might be surprised by what she says.