Google Pixel, the only smartphone manufactured by Google itself, is all set for the launch of their latest model, the Pixel 9, later this year. However, in keeping with their tradition of 'leaks' prior to an official event, a video has surfaced on the social media site X (formerly known as Twitter), revealing a lot about the upcoming launch.
According to a tipster @hanibioud, it appears that Google is experimenting with a vibrant and eye-catching colour for the Pixel 9: Pink. This is a departure from Google’s usual flagship colours, though it is similar to the ‘Peony’ shade of the Pixel model that was released in May.
Read more: Google Pixel 9 release schedule confirmed for August
The handle also claimed that the new Google Pixel 9 is already available in Algeria with around 256 GB of storage. The design seems quite similar to the company’s previous devices, featuring flat edges and a glossy back.
Rumour has it that this model will supposedly have two cameras, unlike the Pixel 9 Pro, which is expected to have more.
The launch of the Google Pixel 9 is confirmed for August, which is two months earlier than the usual schedule.