How to sign up for Google Home Public Preview and test new features

New Google Home app features a new user interface, improved device organisation, and an easier camera management page
An undated image of a smart home gadget. — Pexels
An undated image of a smart home gadget. — Pexels

Google allows users to test new Google Home features through a programme called "Public Preview." Signing up provides early access to the latest version of the Home app and new features as they become available. Here’s how to join the Google Home app’s Public Preview.

The new Google Home app is a complete overhaul of the previous version. It features a new user interface, improved device organisation, and an easier camera management page. Overall, it offers a more user-friendly and thoughtful experience compared to the previous Google Home app.

It has been almost two years since Google unveiled the new design and launched the Public Preview of Google Home. This programme is still in use as Google introduces new features available in the preview before they become publicly available.

Read more: Google Home new update brings 'Favourites' widget

While anyone can sign up for the programme at the moment, Google only allowed, initially, select users who requested access. However, over time, Google seems to have eliminated the request process and now offers a simple join button, enabling quick access.

How to sign up for the Google Home Public Preview

  1. Signing up is the first step to receiving an invite for the preview version. You just need an active Google Account.
  2. On your device, open the Google Home app.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. In the General section, tap Public Preview.
  5. Tap Join Public Preview.

That’s it! The Google Home app will notify you when the Public Preview is available to install on your device, which should happen very quickly. You can always leave the programme if you wish.

By joining the Public Preview, users can experience the latest features and improvements in the Google Home app, contributing to its development and refinement before the features become widely available.