In accordance with directives from Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, K-Electric has extended the payment deadline for July-August bills. Consumers of KE, the sole power supplier for the metropolis, can now pay their bills with a 10-day delay.
In a statement, KE, the sole power supplier in the city, said: "Due date for KE bills due in July and August [has] been extended by 10 days as applied in other distribution companies across Pakistan."
"Eligible customers who have paid their bills with late payment surcharge (LPS) will be provided an adjustment in their next bill," the company added.
This change in deadline will also be reflected next month, as KE consumers can pay their bills with a delay in September as well.
Last week, the Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Energy to issue an extension, prompting the Power Division to order all power distribution companies, including KE, to implement the extension for the July and August 2024 bills.
The Power Division stated that PM Shehbaz's directives were issued in light of the difficulties faced by power consumers due to inflated electricity bills.
This extension is effective for one month and will benefit consumers for their July bills only. For example, if the original due date for the July bill was August 7, it has now been extended to August 17. Similarly, the August bills, originally due on September 7, will now be due on September 17, creating a consistent one-month interval between due dates.