The Google Weather redesign was unveiled last year with the Pixel Tablet and Fold. Google’s first-party devices, starting with the Pixel 9 series, are now all set to receive a native Pixel Weather app today at the Made by Google 2024 event happening at Mountain View headquarters in California.
However, this experience is no longer powered or upgraded by the main Google Search app. Pixel Weather app begins by prominently showcasing the temperature for a location with the situation above and “Feels like” — along with High/Low — underneath.
Gemini Nano is working to provide an “AI Weather Report,” like: “Cold and rainy day, bring your umbrella and hold onto your hat!” and “Pleasant temperature this morning with a high UV index around now.” You can search them throughout the day.
Read more: Google launches Gemini’s voice chat mode
Next is a carousel of Hourly forecasts and then a 10-day forecast included in cards, while the other big integration is a Weather map that displays the Precipitation forecast for the next few hours.
You get a grid of Material You shape for Precipitation, Wind, Sunrise & sunset, UV index, Air quality, Visibility, Humidity, and Pressure. These cards, along with the 10-day forecast, can be reordered. On the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, you receive a nice dual-column UI.
The app’s main screen displays your Current location with a list of your Saved locations synced to your Google Account if you have numerous devices. Other features include forecast notifications every evening offering an overview for tomorrow and precipitation alerts.