Meta has reportedly cancelled its high-end Extended Reality (XR) headset, codenamed La Jolla, due to pricing constraints. This decision comes after a recent product review meeting and a shift in focus towards licensing its XR software platform, Horizon OS, to other OEMs.
Meta began working on La Jolla in November, influenced by Apple's Vision Pro. The launch of the headset was planned to happen in 2027 but is now scrubbed.
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The company had planned to fit it with high-resolution micro OLED displays, but the cost seems too much to ensure a price tag of $1,000.
Why was it cancelled?
The main reason behind the cancellation of La Jolla was the high cost of the displays, which made beating the targeted price hard.
Moreover, Apple's Vision Pro also ended up having poor sales due to its expensive price of $3,500, thus making Meta reconsider.
Now, the company focuses on licensing its Extended Reality (XR) software platform, Horizon OS, to other original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
However, that doesn't mean new headsets from the company can't be seen. It is reportedly working on new AR glasses, codenamed Orion, and a Quest 3 successor that would launch in 2026.