NASA cat video: Tater's adventures from deep space

NASA cat video had been pre-uploaded before the commencement of the mission
The image shows NASA cat video broadcast from space. — NASA/JPL
The image shows NASA cat video broadcast from space. — NASA/JPL

NASA recently achieved a groundbreaking feat by demonstrating cutting-edge laser communications capabilities, transmitting an ultra-high definition (UHD) video across a staggering 19 million miles of space from its Psyche spacecraft to Earth earlier this month. 

This historic event marks the first time that a UHD streaming video has been transmitted from deep space using laser technology. Surprisingly, the pioneering video showcased a 15-second clip featuring an adorable orange cat named Taters playfully chasing a laser dot.

Sent on December 11, the signal carrying this iconic video traversed the vast expanse of space, reaching Earth in a mere 101 seconds from Psyche's distant location. To put this into perspective, this distance is approximately 80 times farther than the span between Earth and the moon. 

The video had been pre-uploaded before the commencement of the mission and was relayed back to Earth through a flight laser transceiver equipped aboard the Psyche spacecraft at an impressive rate of 267 megabits per second (Mbps).

Psyche, which embarked on its expedition in October, is en route to investigate a metal-rich asteroid located within the primary asteroid belt nestled between Mars and Jupiter.