New display HomePod likely to sabotage iPhone 16 release's hype

Once reset, you can set up the HomePod again using Home app on your iPhone or iPad
An undated image of HomePod. — Apple
An undated image of HomePod. — Apple

Ever wondered what a HomePod would look like, the kind of experience it would deliver, and the efficacy it would entail?  

Well, it's totally fine if you don't since thoughts aren't to be remembered. 

A recent report covered by MacWorld has offered a sneak peek into "code discovered on Apple's backend." 

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Dubbed "HomeAccessory17,1," a name resembling an audio accessory the iPhone maker uses for its HomePod. 

What adds to the authenticity of these claims is the discovery of similar references to the tvOS version which the HomePod typically runs. 

The "17.1" of the code might be referring to Apple's A-series chip, particularly, the A18 chip. The same chip is expected to power the upcoming iPhone 16 series. 

Although leaks around a display HomePod have long been running through the mill, this instance marks an exception as Mark Gurman, a prolific tipster associated with Bloomberg, had also nodded to such a product.  

Reinitialiser HomePod: How to reset HomePod

  • Unplug HomePod: Disconnect HomePod from power, wait 10 seconds, and plug it back in.
  • Wait for Light: After plugging it back in, wait until the white spinning light appears on the top.
  • Touch and Hold: Press and hold the top of the HomePod until the white spinning light turns red.
  • Continue Holding: Keep holding until you hear three beeps. The HomePod will then reset.
  • Setup: Once reset, you can set up the HomePod again using the Home app on your iPhone or iPad.