Google recently unveiled its Pixel 9 series which is now available in stores for preorders. The flagship includes two of the standout AI features “Pixel Screenshots” and “Pixel Studio” which are now available to use in select eight countries on Google Play Store.
Pixel Screenshots and Pixel Studio availability
Although Google has launched its Pixel 9 flagship in more than eight countries, the Pixel Screenshots and Pixel Studio features are only available in these regions.
- United States
- Malaysia
- Canada
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Singapore
- India
The Pixel Screenshots enables users to manage and recall information from their screenshots, making it a valuable addition to the Pixel ecosystem.
This innovative feature also creates titles and summaries for every screenshot and helps search for certain screenshots using keywords or phrases with the help of Gemini Nano.
Read more: Pixel 9 series — Transform your images through Reimagine AI
However, the pixel 9 users from other countries have to wait for a while as the tech giant has no plans of rolling these features out worldwide.
It’s important to note that these AI features are optional and users can toggle them off anytime, providing full control over how much AI is involved in day-to-day phone use.