Qualcomm launched the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 processor, a mid-range chip that promises significant upgrades over its predecessor. This new processor would power future smartphones from top brands such as Xiaomi, Samsung, and Realme.
The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 is a mid-range processor designed for smartphones. It offers an improved 20% faster central processing unit (CPU), 40% faster graphics processing unit (GPU), 30% better artificial intelligence (AI) performance, and 12% better power-saving capabilities compared to the previous generation.
Faster performance
The new processor integrates four Cortex-A720 cores and four Cortex-A520 little cores, thus letting it have a CPU that is 20% faster. It gets a 40% speed boost on its GPU, so applications with gaming and graphics-intensive tasks should be a breeze.
AI capabilities
Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 has improved AI performance. It can support multi-language translation—in-device AI models and AI camera features, including AI Remosaic and AI Video Retouch.
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Camera capabilities
It supports up to 200MP snapshots, 64MP single capture, and 4K HDR video recording. It does not support 4K/60fps.
Power efficiency
Qualcomm estimates 12% better power savings compared to the old generation, so it would be fit for people who are more tilted towards battery life. The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 also includes Bluetooth 5.4, Wi-Fi 6E, and Qualcomm Quick Charge 4+ tech.
Xiaomi would be the first to adopt it with a launch in the device in September. Realme, Samsung, and Sharp are also working with this chip in their devices.
What to expect?
The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 would become the power backing of a good many mid-range smartphones for better performance, AI capabilities, and power efficiency. With top brands such as Xiaomi, Samsung, and Realme in line, we can foresee some pretty interesting devices in the upcoming months.