Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses features make picture snapping noticeable

Headliner model of Meta Smart Glasses features a better camera capable of snapping high-resolution pictures in portrait mode
An undated image of Meta Smart Glasses. — Ray-Ban
An undated image of Meta Smart Glasses. — Ray-Ban

If there's one tech-oriented thing which hasn't become a norm in the landscape of technology, then it's the slowly-rising-to-popularity Meta Smart Glasses. 

What can you do with Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses? 

Among the three models released in Meta's particular product lineup, including the Headliner, Skyler, and Wayfarer, the first one stands out to be the true smart glass for the various capabilities ingrained into it. 

Like the base variant, the Headliner lets users capture video, snap pictures, place calls through their phone and listen to music. Not only that, Meta claims it is equipped with 50% louder speakers

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Now coming to the unlikes of the standard model of the Meta Smart Glasses, it features a better camera capable of snapping high-resolution pictures in portrait mode, departing from the traditional manner of taking photos in landscape. Images captured in this orientation are best suited for social media platforms.

While the manufacturer, Meta’s Reality Labs unit, owns less than 1% of the company's total revenue, its products potentially indicate the company's commitment to progress in this domain with massive marketing and social media presence at the back.

The best part is for people willing to replace their corrective lenses, as they can get prescription lenses on the Meta Smart Glasses just like they get for the regular pair of glasses.