StarCraft 2 cheat codes you must know

StarCraft 2 cheat codes only work during any of single-player campaigns, while using one will disable any further achievements
An undated image of StarCraft 2. — Blizzard Entertainment
An undated image of StarCraft 2. — Blizzard Entertainment

While playing games, you can easily find a chat feature, that allowing to send messages to both their team and opponents, including StarCraft 2 being among them. The chat feature can be used for actual chatting, players can also use it to enter specific cheat codes.

The cheat codes only work during any of the single-player campaigns, though it's important to note that using one will disable any further achievements unless you leave the mission and try again. Gadinsider has compiled a lineup of cheat codes for StarCraft 2.

StarCraft 2 cheat codes

In total, 23 cheat codes are set for the StarCraft 2. As many can be used in a single game as you'd like without any negative impact on your game outside of the effects of the codes you entered.

Read more: Here’s how you can turn on game recording feature on Steam Deck

Moreover, there are some cheat codes that are restricted to the Wings of Liberty campaign and one unique only to custom games. 

StarCraft 2 cheat codes

In-game impact


Instant Victory.


Instant Defeat.


Gain 5,000 Minerals.


Gain 5,000 Vespene Gas.


Gain 5,000 of both resources.


All units and buildings are free.


Disables the need for supply.


Enables God Mode (your units take no damage and deal massive damage).


Makes the entire map visible.


Allows the use of all Tech.


Activates all upgrades instantly and for free.


Enables fast build and fast upgrades.


Faster unit healing.


Enables continued play after defeat.


Disables victory conditions to allow continued play.


Disables cooldown on abilities.

WhySoSerious (Wings Of Liberty)

Adds 5 Million Credits

EyeOfSauron (Wings Of Liberty)

Allows access to all Cutscenes.

LeaveYourSleep (Wings Of Liberty)

Opens all Missions to choose between any.

StayClassyMarSara (Wings Of Liberty)

Allows Access to all UNN TV News Broadcasts.

HoradricCube (Wings Of Liberty)

Opens all research options.

Jaynestown (Custom Games)

Adds 5,000 Terrazine.


Plays the song Terran Up The Night.

How to enter cheat codes in StarCraft 2

To enter a code, press Enter to open up the chat bar and enter the code, pressing Enter again to send the code and activate it.

The impacts are instant and can't be undone once sent. Notably, capitalisation does not matter with cheat codes.