Telegram is set to integrate a new 2.0 update for its in-app “mini-apps,” letting them run full screen, allowing developers to add subscription plans, allowing gift sending from mini-apps, letting you add the apps to your home screen, and more.
Games, such as Doom, can run in either portrait or landscape orientations inside Telegram and include “expanded gestures and interfaces” to support more gaming categories.
Notably, mini-apps can now read your device’s processor and RAM information to optimise performance and support gyro controls.
Read more: Telegram gets update — Improved video speed controls, chat-specific hashtags, more
Telegram’s update displays the company’s efforts to develop an all-in-one super app like China’s WeChat, which has largely been impossible elsewhere due to policies from app store owners like Apple and Google.
Moreover, Telegram mini-apps now include features, such as the ability to generate downloadable documents and files, enable device location for things such as weather and mapping, and allow developers to monetise mini-apps with subscriptions.
On the other hand, the sizable update includes the ability to share media and referral codes from mini-apps to any chat, developers can customise loading screens, and premium users can set emoji statuses from inside mini-apps.