Today's Wordle Answer for #973 on Saturday, February 17, 2024

Today's Wordle Answer for #973 on Saturday, February 17, 2024
A represenattional image. — Freepik
A represenattional image. — Freepik

Are you afraid of losing your Wordle streak? If yes, then don't worry because Gadinsider has got your back. Every day, Wordle attracts millions of users with its brilliantly simple challenge, yet guessing a five-letter word in just six attempts is not always simple. All you have to find the Wordle solution are the contextual clues you deduce from each guess, but often that's not enough.

Wordle hints

Number of vowels — In today’s Wordle the game developers have added one vowel.

Starting letter — Note that today’s word begins with a consonant (letters that represent certain speech sounds, specifically sounds that involve blocking the air before it leaves the mouth, such as with the tongue, lips, or throat).

Double letters — Wordle does not have double letters today.

Meaning of the word — The word refers to a book of the Bible comprising a collection of religious verses, sung or recited in both Jewish and Christian worship.

How to play Wordle?

The guide to play for Wordle is pretty simple. You must attempt to guess a five-letter word by entering any word of equal length. The game will indicate which letters are correctly placed (green), which ones are part of the word but misplaced (yellow), and which ones are not part of the word (grey). Use this feedback to refine your guesses and solve the mystery.


Wordle answer

Today's Wordle Answer for #973 on Saturday, February 17, 2024, is — Psalm.