While there's already so much on the plate of Apple TV's feature richness, the tvOS is still unable to support Apple's own Safari or any third-party browser.
This absence of a web browser hints towards the inability to directly share their Apple TV content. But if you're an Apple TV user, the upcoming tvOS update, tvOS 18, will set this folly aside.
As reported by 9to5Mac, the latest, recently released tvOS developers beta will accompany the demo on how they can use the web link feature on Apple TV.
Open web links from tvOS apps on iPhone
To get this feature working without any hiccups, Apple is utilising its proprietary Immersive Videos it designed for Apple Vision Pro.
In case you're not familiar, Apple TV+ offers various immersive videos shot in 180-degree 3D 8K, which can only be viewed with an Apple Vision Pro.
In the upcoming tvOS update, tvOS 18, the iPhone maker has incorporated a new button in the description of Immersive Videos to let users have more insight into Vision Pro.
But the downside is that the Apple TV's operating system redirects the link through AirDrop to the user’s iPhone or iPad instead of opening the web page right on the Apple TV.
“Today’s tvOS 18 developer beta gives a preview for some potentially pretty special integrations including the ability to distribute related media like books, soundtracks and AR experiences to iPhone and iPad,” Sigmund Judge said in a post on Threads.
While it's not in sight as of now if Apple is using this web link feature in other parts of tvOS, it's expected to allow users to share content while watching right from the tvOS app.
React Native tvOS
React Native tvOS is an extension of React Native, designed to help developers create apps for Apple TV (tvOS). It allows the use of JavaScript and React to build user interfaces and leverage native tvOS components and features.
This framework simplifies the process of creating and deploying tvOS applications while maintaining a consistent codebase with other React Native platforms.