In an unexpected shift from its usual schedule, the "Made by Google" event is taking place much earlier this year. Typically held in October, the event is set to occur today, August 13, at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California.
This year's event promises a range of exciting announcements, with expectations high for the unveiling of several new products, including the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel Watch 3. The early timing of the event has sparked significant interest among tech enthusiasts and industry watchers alike, eager to see what innovations Google has in store.
With the company's focus on expanding its product lineup and integrating more advanced AI features, today's event is anticipated to set the tone for Google's direction in the coming months.
Made by Google 2024 event time
The Made by Google 2024 event will start at 10am PT/1pm ET/6pm BST and can be watched live on its official YouTube channel.