WhatsApp users in Pakistan are reportedly having disruptions in sending media files, voice, and server connections.
The reported outage has entered its second day, with the issue having undergone multiple fluctuations.
As a result, users from all over the country continuously experienced disruptions, with around 50% WhatsApp users in the country facing disruption in voice messages, 29% users are unable to send messages, and 21% are facing server connectivity problems.
Some people have confirmed using virtual private networks (VPNs) to share media, voice notes, and play video status without any disruption. However, VPNs have slowed down the speed of other services.
Meanwhile, very few users have recently confirmed the smooth working of the app, and they haven’t faced challenges in performing any tasks so far.
Additionally, there is no clarification or any statement has been issued by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) regarding this outage for consecutively two days.