WhatsApp, one of the most popular messaging apps, is examining a major “Channel Category” feature to improve the search experience for various channels. The latest add-on to the platform will categorise the Channel section into numerous topics, such as Business, Sports, and more.
The company has released a new feature for iOS device users. If you’re an Apple user then you can enroll in the TestFlight Beta Program. Doing so will allow you to experience new advancements and changes to the app in advance.
The “Channel Category” will organise channels as per content discovery. WhatsApp integrates seven categories which are Business, Entertainment, Lifestyle, News and Information, Organisations, People, along Sports.
Users are not required to categorise their channels as it is solely handled by the WhatsApp team. All you have to do is, enter your favourite category and choose the channel.
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WhatsApp neatly recognises all the channels in the app and lists them accordingly into their respective categories. The new feature is said to deliver a simpler way to find new channels. It provides an organised browsing experience without creating confusion.
The “Channel Category” feature is tagged with the WhatsApp iOS beta version and is being released currently to limited testers. However, the company will soon integrate the feature to more users through a stable version update.