Meta-owned platform WhatsApp has partnered with Giphy to bring a sticker-maker feature to Android, allowing users to create and share personalised stickers, making conversations more fun and expressive.
It is seamlessly dominating the entire digital realm single-handedly with its exceptional updates and providing outstanding services to users all across the globe and continues to develop compelling features.
Interestingly, it’s integrating Giphy’s sticker library into its app, which would allow users to easily browse along with text and emoji to get appropriate stickers from Giphy.
Read more: 60 seconds status updates on WhatsApp under testing phase
This update would simplify organising the saved stickers by allowing users to remove and move the selected ones to the top and seems to make adjustments easier.
It will be arriving in Android because iPhone users are already exclusive to this built-in tool. Moreover, Whatsapp primarily emphasises that Meta AI can customise amazing stickers on Android and iOS in the US, but these stickers are reported to be tested in Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia with Android users.
When will it roll out?
Sticker-maker is expected to be introduced to your devices in the upcoming weeks, but be sure to update the app and get the latest version on your phone. Otherwise, you might not be able to enjoy this intriguing update.