Dragon Age 4, also known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, is the upcoming sequel to the critically acclaimed fantasy RPG series by BioWare. The game has been in development for several years, but details are still scarce. Here is what we know so far about the story, gameplay, release date, and platforms of Dragon Age 4.
Story and setting
Dragon Age 4 will continue the story of Solas, the elven mage who was revealed to be the Dread Wolf, an ancient God who created the Veil that separates the Fade from reality. Solas plans to tear down the Veil and restore the world of magic, even if it means destroying the current world and its inhabitants. The game will explore the consequences of his actions and the choices of the Inquisitor, the protagonist of the previous game.
The game will be set in Tevinter, a powerful and decadent empire that is ruled by mages and has a history of slavery and oppression. Tevinter is also the home of the Qunari, a race of horned warriors who follow a strict religious code and are at war with the empire. The game will also feature other regions of Thedas, such as Antiva, Nevarra, and the mysterious land of Weisshaupt.
Dragon Age 4 will retain the core gameplay elements of the series, such as character creation, dialogue, romance, combat, and exploration. The game will also introduce new features, such as a non-linear skill tree, a new hero, and a focus on choice and consequence. The game will also use next-generation technology to create a more immersive and dynamic world.
Release date and platforms
Dragon Age 4 does not have a confirmed release date yet, but it is unlikely to come out before April 2024, according to a financial report by EA. The game will be released for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, according to the LinkedIn profile of a former lead player designer at BioWare.