OpenAI for macOS fixes security concerns over plain text chat storage

This update aims to enhance user privacy and ensure that sensitive information remains secure
An undated image of Chat GPT logo. — Pixabay
An undated image of Chat GPT logo. — Pixabay

OpenAI, an American-based AI research organisation, recently launched its ChatGPT app for macOS—the first version available for any desktop platform. The app allows users to have conversations with the chatbot. However, users have raised concerns about the accessibility of chats, which could compromise privacy and expose sensitive user data. OpenAI has since taken action to address this issue.

Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito, a macOS user, shared their experience on the social media platform Threads, revealing how easily anyone could access files and read the chats of macOS users immediately after the conversations happened.

Read more: OpenAI launches GPT Store — Marketplace for custom AI tools

Taya Christianson, an OpenAI spokesperson, when questioned about this issue, stated, "We are aware of the issue and are updating a new version of the app which encrypts the conversations."

However, Pereira noted that after this update, the app was no longer storing the chats. Additionally, they mentioned that OpenAI was offering its ChatGPT macOS features through the website only, and therefore did not follow Apple’s sandboxing requirements—a security control system that runs an app and its data in an isolated environment.

This update aims to enhance user privacy and ensure that sensitive information remains secure.